How nature became my muse


I’m a maker. I make things. A lot of things. 

They all have one thing in common: they are inspired by the natural world.

Nature is my muse! My work is playful and inspired by nature.


Isabel Lopes Artist outdoors drawing in nature

Isabel Lopes Artist drawing outdoors immersed in nature, Darwin around 2015 


How did that happen? From a young age I was allowed to be wild outside amongst flora and fauna. It all started at my paternal grandparents backyard, back in Portugal.

The endless hours playing with my dog, picking leaves, flowers and fruit fuelled my passion for the natural world. 

I cannot forget the mud ‘sculptures’ that I now see as the very beginning of a long love affair with clay ( more about that another day).

 Isabel Lopes artist as a child outside in nature

Isabel Lopes Artist as a child, outside in nature, Portugal circa 1979

My idea of a good time is to be outdoors immersed in nature exploring the landscape gathering ideas, inspiration to take into the studio. 


Birds visit my garden everyday and they populate my art in abundance. I imagine them in many different ways including wearing clothes as if they were people.

I paint watercolour birds , mixed media and acrylics birds in landscapes. My illustrated ceramic works are also very much inspired by birds and other animals. 

 Isabel Lopes Artist painting birds inspired by nature

Isabel Lopes Artist in her old Darwin studio


I’m never alone when surrounded by my muse, my good old friend Mother Nature. 

And I have my childhood in my grandparents backyard to thank for that.